The Danger of Using Three-noes Capacitors

Apr. 03, 2024

The dangers of using uncertified capacitors without brand, label, or certification are significant, especially in households with elderly or children who may not understand electrical devices. A simple mishap can lead to fires causing personal injury and property damage.


As crucial components in electronic devices, safety capacitors directly affect the circuit's safety and stability. Therefore, it's essential to choose certified products from reputable manufacturers to avoid the risks associated with uncertified capacitors.


Uncertified capacitors often lack insulation and voltage resistance standards, making them prone to electrical faults, leaks, and fires, jeopardizing consumer safety and causing property damage.

 The Danger of Using Three-noes Capacitors

Moreover, the unstable performance of uncertified capacitors can lead to poor filtering and overload protection failure, resulting in unstable device operation, noise, distortion, and crashes, affecting user experience.


The poor quality of uncertified capacitors often leads to premature aging and damage, significantly reducing device lifespan. Additionally, the lack of brand, label, and certification makes it challenging for consumers to trace the source of problems and seek compensation, resulting in substantial economic losses.


To ensure circuit safety and stability and protect consumer safety and property, it is crucial to avoid using uncertified capacitors. Choose certified products from reputable manufacturers and adhere to relevant safety standards and regulations when selecting safety capacitors.


This article is provided by JYH HSU (JEC) Electronics. JEC is a research, development, production, and sales-oriented company specializing in manufacturing and selling various electronic components such as capacitors and resistors.

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