Sep. 03, 2024
Thermistor is a kind of sensor resistor. The resistance value of the thermistor changes with the change of temperature, which is different from the general fixed resistance. It belongs to a category of variable resistors and is widely used in various electronic components. Unlike resistance thermometers (RTDs) that use pure metals, the materials used in thermistors are usually ceramics or polymers.
1) PTC (PositiveTemperatureCoeffiCient) refers to the thermistor phenomenon or material that has a positive temperature coefficient and a sharp increase in resistance at a certain temperature, which can be used as a constant temperature sensor.
2) NTC (NegativeTemperatureCoeffiCient) refers to the thermistor phenomenon and material whose resistance decreases exponentially as the temperature rises and has a negative temperature coefficient.
3) Critical temperature thermistor CTR (CritiCalTemperatureResistor) has a negative resistance mutation characteristic. At a certain temperature, the resistance value decreases drastically with the increase of temperature, and has a large negative temperature coefficient.
We must select appropriate PTC thermistor or NTC thermistor for specific circuit so as to protect the circuits. If you don’t know the selection, you can consult Dongguan Zhixu Electronic Co., Ltd. (also JYH HSU(JEC)).
JEC has a full range of varistor and capacitor models with guaranteed quality and has passed ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification; JEC safety capacitors (X capacitors and Y capacitors) and varistors have passed national certifications of the main industrial powers across the world; JEC ceramic capacitors, film capacitors and super capacitors are in compliance with environmental protection indicators.
We have over 30 years of manufacturing experience. If you have technical questions or need samples, please contact us.
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